Det pt ikke længere muligt at købe løsopskrifter på min webshop eller tilgå tidligere købte opskrifter desværre.
Indtil videre kan du stadig købe mine løsopskrifter på Ravelry
Ydermere kan jeg hellere ikke yde nogen form for support.
For nu kan du stadig købe bøger.

NO pattern support
I am NOT able to offer support for my patterns.

I recommend you to look for the answer in FAQ

For techniques you can

Search on Google and Youtube.

Join a FB-group, here people are often very helpful.

Mistake in a pattern
If you think you have found a mistake in a pattern, please use this mail support@aircrochet.com

I will look at it as soon as possible and if there are a mistake, I will of course correct it ASAP and from there send an update to previous buyers.

I am very thankful for your mail but don't expect an email-answer.
Collaboration & other inquiries
For collaboration and other inquries, send a mail to hello@aircrochet.com or use the contact-form below.