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Hi, my name is Jeanette, I'm from Denmark og I am the one behind Air Crochet.
My mission is to take crochet to the next level. Trying to revive this old craft and making it more modern. I keep seeing new possibilities and finding new ways to combine stitches to make all kinds of new expressions.
I wanna create patterns where all the techniques used are well explained to make sure that you get a good result and experience. I want you to be proud of what you crochet - that you might even dare to give it as a present for someone dear, because the design and finish is just perfect.
Besides the fact that I want to take crochet away from being something heavy and making it more light and airy, most designs starts with, what in danish is called 'luft-masker' (it means chains but if you translate it directly it says air-stitches) and that is how the name came about - Air Crochet.