Jeg er startet i et fuldtidsjob, hvilket betyder at AirCrochet nu kører på et meget lavt blus, indtil jeg finder den måde, jeg vil gribe det an på fremover. Derfor er det pt ikke længere muligt at købe løsopskrifter på min webshop eller tilgå tidligere købte opskrifter desværre, ydermere kan jeg hellere ikke yde support. For nu er det kun bøger du kan købe.

Indtil videre kan du stadig købe mine løsopskrifter på Ravelry

Hi - if your looking for a pattern by Lutter Idyl you are in the right place - I just changed the name of the company ⚘.

If you have previously purchased a pattern from me, you can: 

  1. Create a new account. 
  2. Use the same email address that you used to buy with previously.
  3. You will now have access to all the recipes you have purchased.

If you have changed your preferred email in the meantime or you cannot see your previous orders, please send me an email with your (previous) email AND ordernumber(s) and I will correct it manual - send it to hello@aircrochet.com

If it is your first time her you are welcome to create an account so you will have access to all you patterns in one place. 

I am working to updating all the old patterns - both layout but also adding new videoguides. You will automatically receive an update by email - you can see all the versions and updates here: UPDATES.